Our Human Rights Program is dedicated to fostering a society where every individual enjoys their fundamental rights and freedoms.

We focus on promoting and protecting human rights through various initiatives that empower citizens, build awareness, and advocate for justice and equality.

Our program operates on the principle that human rights are universal, inalienable, and indivisible.

Activities Involved

Education and Awareness Campaigns

We believe that education is the cornerstone of human rights protection.

Our campaigns aim to educate the public, especially marginalized communities, about their rights and how to assert them.

We conduct workshops, seminars, and community outreach programs to spread awareness about human rights issues such as gender equality, freedom of expression, and the right to education.

Capacity Building for Human Rights Defenders

Supporting and empowering human rights defenders is a crucial part of our program.

We provide training and resources to individuals and organizations working on the frontlines of human rights protection.

Our capacity-building initiatives include workshops on digital security, advocacy skills, and legal literacy.

Legal Assistance and Advocacy

To ensure that individuals can access justice, our program provides legal assistance to those whose rights have been violated.

We work with a network of pro bono lawyers who offer legal representation and advice to victims of human rights abuses.

Additionally, we engage in advocacy efforts to influence policy changes and strengthen the legal framework for human rights protection.

Monitoring and Reporting Violations

We actively monitor human rights situations in various communities to identify and document violations.

Our team of trained monitors conducts field visits, interviews, and surveys to gather evidence of human rights abuses.

This information is then compiled into comprehensive reports that are shared with relevant authorities, international bodies, and the public.