Gender mobile
In a world that’s younger than ever before, with 1.8 billion people below the age of 24, and some 900 million of them adolescent girls and young women. 40% of the Rwanda Population is youth (15-30 years of age). In this regard, young people are critical stakeholders in efforts to prevent and end violence against women and girls. As current and future leaders, young people are a driving force for change and can use their knowledge, power and passion to challenge negative attitudes, gender stereotypes and behaviour that set in early and lead to violence.
Young people are key partners in education and prevention strategies. Violence against women and girls, rooted in gender inequality and discrimination, starts early. The best way to end violence against women and girls is by stopping it happening in the first place,
Take leadership – Effective prevention strategies must engage young people as leaders and participants.
Initiatives to prevent violence against women and girls must start early in life, by educating and working with boys and girls, and young men and young women, to promote respectful relationships and gender equality.
It is crucial that youth are actively engaged and their voices heard in the development of strategies, policies and initiatives to prevent and end violence against women and girls.
Some Girls and women around AFRICA face injustices, like early pregnancies, forced into an early marriage, or made victims of gender-based violence. These injustices prevent girls and women from reaching their full potential.
Gender mobile is an initiative leveraging technology to provide specialized support services to survivors of social injustice. We envision a just society devoid of all forms of social injustice that is capable of undermining the existence of girls and women in all forms and degree in AFRICA.
Gender Mobile is a platform established by Governance for Africa (GFA) and Nigerian youth in response to the disheartening state and increasing surge of social injustice especially against women and the girl child in Africa. Our primary mission is to build a strong, vibrant and accessible-for-all intervention platform that will connect victims and survivors to comprehensive specialized services (legal, medical, first aid psycho social, trauma counselling, rehabilitation, and referral).
Rwanda chapter Agenda:
E-counselling: It will respond to breaking silence. Gender mobile services are for now operational in Nigeria, we want to start them in Rwanda where E-counselling helps victims and people in general public be more informed to report anonymously on violence against women with an aim to end the associated stigma such as segregation, shame/embarrassment.
Break gender stereotypes: Redefining strength & masculinity: Men Can Stop Rape. Fight sexual objectification of women.
Challenge harmful social norms: examine the unhealthy messages society internalize about gender, connect social expectations to changing physiology and psychology throughout adolescence, develop an understanding of sexual harassment and violence and challenge gender norms in their own personal growth and development
Capacity building and leadership to prevent violence against women and girls: to prevent violence against women and girls must start early in life, by educating and working with boys and girls, and young men and young women, to promote respectful relationships and gender equality.
Scientific research of GBV: it will clearly indicate/state the problem of GBV in Rwanda.
Conduct advocacy than activism: ending social injustice against girls and women. Use your artistic skills (Music, Dance, Drama, and Poem), technology; social media, Tech applications that can reach that popular / custom made for youth
Document and share information: share experiences, ideas and unique approaches to ending the violence against women and girls. It will encourage general public understand Inter-Social Treatment.